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Graphics Standards Libraries and Tools


Centera Info System

GRAFkit is a technical graphics package, which organizes large quantitiesof data into scientific, engineering, and technical graphics. Scientists,engineers, and researchers in fields as varied as aerospace, defense,communications, medicine, and geophysics are using GRAFkit to graphicallyrepresent 1-, 2-, and 3-D data.GRAFkit contains a GKS library, supports CGM output format, and includesutilities to generate a wide variety of graphics: x,y plots; contours;streamlines; histograms; 3-D solids and surfaces; scatter diagrams;vector graphs; and maps with data overlays.Because GRAFkit adheres to ANSI and ISO standards, graphicalrepresentations created with it can be shared across a variety of systemsin distributed network environments. GRAFkit also supports more than 100output devices, including PostScript printers and X Window Systemterminals. It is designed to accommodate all technical graphic needs ofan organization.

Language: FORTRAN-77
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: FORTRAN compiler, ANSI/ISO standard GKS VME-based workstation, color workstation or monitor, color graphics processor
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Centera Info System
4865 Sterling Dr Suite 250
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (303) 939-0200
Fax: (303) 939-0111